Red lentils, scientifically known as Lens culinaris, are a highly nutritious and versatile legume commonly used in various cuisines, particularly in Middle Eastern and Indian dishes. Known for their vibrant red color and quick cooking time, red lentils are a staple ingredient in soups, stews, curries, and salads.
Lower Cholesterol
Soluble fiber found in red lentils binds to “bad” cholesterol and helps our body excrete it through bile acids. This helps to lower our cholesterol, which helps keep our heart healthy by reducing the risk for Atherosclerotic plaque. (That’s the plaque that builds up in your arteries and raises your blood pressure!)
Important for Red Blood Cells
Red lentils contain a significant amount of folate. Folate is a B Vitamin which helps to form red blood cells in our blood! When folate deficiency occurs, it can cause Megaloblastic anemia, which means the precursors to red blood cells: Megaloblasts fail to divide into red blood cells because of the lack of folate (Bailey & Gregory, 1999).
Improve Digestion
The insoluble fiber found in red lentils passes through our digestive system without being absorbed and provides bulk. This increases gastric motility, which means the rate at which we digest increases. Red lentils can make you more regular!
Improve blood sugar control
Since red lentils are so high in fiber, they help to improve blood sugar control. Since Fiber is not digested, it is not absorbed by our body and hence does not raise blood sugar levels. To be more specific, soluble fiber is even better to prevent the spiking of blood sugar because it is absorbed by the body. A study by Fujii et al. proved that increasing fiber in one’s diet helped patients with glycemic control and even lowered cardiovascular disease risks!
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